WAILUKU, MAUI, Hawai‘i – The Maui County Office on Aging today announced it will sponsor a “Better Choices, Better Health” Diabetes Self-Management workshop series at Kaiser Maui Lani. This series will meet from 9 – 11:30 a.m. on six Wednesdays from June 25 through August 6, 2013.
The Better Choices, Better Health diabetes program is an evidence-based, educational “Healthy Aging” program developed by Stanford University to help adults manage their diabetes as well as their overall health. Included in the series are achievable action plans for improving nutrition, exercise, relaxation, communication skills, medication management and more.
Participants will receive the book, “Living a Healthy Life With Chronic Conditions,” and a relaxation CD, “Time for Healing.”
Cost is $10 for individuals age 60+ and for caregivers of any age. The cost for individuals age 59 and below is $35; scholarships are available.
For more information or to register for the series, call Better Choices, Better Health Coordinator Mary Kay Hoffman at 463-3166.
By Heather Greenwood
Do you care for a parent, spouse, friend, or someone living with you, in a care facility, or on another island, the mainland or in another country? If you answered yes, the Powerful Tools for Caregivers class is for you! Topics include reducing stress, improving self-confidence, communicating effectively with health care professionals and family members, balancing caregiving responsibilities, making tough decisions, and locating helpful resources.
Classes consist of six sessions held once a week and lead by two experienced and certified Class Leaders. Interactive lessons, discussions and brainstorming will help caregivers practice and incorporate the “caregiver tools” that help local caregivers thrive, not just survive.
The Pukalani class is located in the Pukalani Swimming Pool Multi-Purpose Room on Monday evenings, 5:30-7:30pm from November 11 – December 16. Pre-registration is required. The registration fee of $25 can be paid on the first day of class and refunded to all who complete the course.
Call Heather Greenwood at the UH Cooperative Extension office for additional information and to register: 244-3242 ext 226.
This program is made possible through funding by the Maui County Office on Aging and a Partnership between Maui County Office on Aging and the University of Hawaii Manoa Cooperative Extension. This program is accessible for individuals with disabilities. For information or to request an auxiliary aid or service, contact 244-3242 / TTY 800-222-1222 seven days before the workshop.
WAILUKU, Maui, Hawai`i – The Maui County Office on Aging is accepting applications for information table exhibits for its 12th Annual Family Caregivers Conference, which is set for Thursday, November 14, 2013, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the MakenaBeach and Golf Resort.
The theme for this year’s event is “Family Caregivers – Now More Than Ever.” The conference provides information, resources and training for caregivers through exhibits by local agencies and workshops on topics that include presentations on Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, strength and balance tips for caregivers, depression and substance abuse in older adults, legal issues for caregivers, among others.
There is no cost to exhibit, but exhibitors may attend any portion of the conference at a cost of $25, which includes lunch. Preference for exhibit space will be given to applications from non-profit and governmental agencies; however, if space permits, consideration will also be given to for-profit agencies that apply.
Space will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Deadline to register is October 17, 2013. Applications are available online at www.mauicountyadrc.org or via email to [email protected].
“It is vitally important to honor and support family caregivers on Maui by providing training, information and access to resources,” said event coordinator Norma Circle.
According to a survey done by the National Alliance for Caregiving in collaboration with AARP (Nov. 2000), caregivers comprise more than 29 percent of the population. They play a major role in maximizing the health and quality of life of individuals with acute and chronic illnesses. Family caregivers play a vital role as their care often delays, and sometimes prevents, costly institutionalization, and allows a person to be cared for comfortably and with dignity in his or her own home and community.
For more information, call the Maui County Office on Aging at 270-7755.
WAILUKU – The Maui County Office on Aging will sponsor a six-week “Better Choices, Better Health” workshop series. The session begins Wednesday, October 2, with classes held 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. at Kaiser Maui Lani Clinic, located at 55 Maui Lani Parkway in Wailuku.
The course is designed to help people living with chronic conditions better self-manage their symptoms and overall health. The course will run on six Wednesdays, including October 2, 9, 23, 30, November 6 and 13 (skips Oct 16).
Cost of the workshop is $10 for those 60 and older, and $30 for those under 60. The course fee includes the textbook, “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions,” and a relaxation CD. Scholarships are available. Contact Jo Reyes at 270-7233 or [email protected] for more information or to register for the course.
The Henry Perrine Baldwin High School will be celebrating its 75th anniversary through a variety of events scheduled this coming October. We are excited not only with the upcoming events planned for the students and our fellow alumni, but with efforts to raise monies for the purchase of desperately needed lockers and benches for our alma mater.
Events include a tour and talk story session on October 11th, a golf tournament and anniversary banquet on October 19th, a homecoming rally, as well as a Ho`olaulea on our campus on October 26 th.
We are writing to you, our alumni, local merchants and corporations in Maui County, to ask for your support. There are several different ways in which you can help. Please consider golfing in the tournament, making cash donations or providing items or giftcertificates for prizes and/or our silent auction, and/or join us for dinner on October 19 th.
All donors will be acknowledged in our dinner program if your donation is submitted by August 31, 2013.
Please call us at 280‐1299 to discuss supporting this worthwhile cause. Arrangements can be made to pick up any donation.
Thank you for your consideration in supporting Henry Perrine Baldwin High School through our 75th Anniversary festivities.
WAILUKU – The County of Maui has published a booklet to help promote elder abuse awareness that will be distributed in the Maui News on July 21, 2013.
The 16-page color booklet is divided into two sections. The first part describes elder abuse and its many forms, from physical and emotional abuse, to self neglect, neglect from caregivers, and financial exploitation. This section also gives numbers to call for help.
The last section of the booklet features programs and services available in MauiCounty to help caregivers relieve stress, prevent burnout and learn self care, including Kupuna Care services such as home-delivered meals, assisted transportation, adult day care and personal care. Programs available to help family caregivers include Powerful Tools for Caregivers, EnhanceFitness, and Better Choices, Better Health.
The Maui County Office on Aging, Aging and DisabilityResourceCenter (MCOA/ADRC) has released the film of a locally produced theatrical play that educates the community on the various forms of elder abuse. The film, Koi, Like the Fish, tells the tale of Koi, a man struggling to keep his dignity when his choices have disappeared and his decisions are no longer his to make. The film is available for local agencies, schools and churches upon request.
“Our goal is to educate folks about this issue and offer assistance through our many programs and services,” said Deborah Arendale, Maui County Executive on Aging, “so our frail older adults can live with dignity, free from harm.”
To observe Elder Abuse Awareness Month, which is recognized nationally each year during the month of June, MCOA/ADRC published two full-page ads in the Maui News, and began running a paid online banner on the Maui News website. An ongoing public service announcement also began running last month on Akaku, Maui Community Television on Channel 54.
MCOA/ADRC produced the booklet in collaboration with the State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs and the State Department of Human Services, Adult Protective Services division. Funding was provided by the Hawaii State Department of Health, Executive Office on Aging.
If you are an older adult and feel that you are being abused, contact Adult Protective Services at 243-5151. For copies of the booklet or to find out more about services and programs to reduce caregiver stress and burnout, call MCOA/ADRC at 270-7774, email [email protected], visit the web at www.mauicountyadrc.org or stop by the Office on Aging office at the J. Walter Cameron Center. From neighbor islands, call 643-ADRC (2372) toll free.
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