Mayor Alan Arakawa answers some of the most recently asked questions submitted to his office staff.
Dear Mayor,
Q: My husband and I moved to Maui two years ago. We heard there would be a new high school built in North Kihei. Great news! However, now we hear the project has been in the planning for over 10 years and to date we have seen no building. Just how long before this school gets built? And, does Maui still have the funding set aside for this project?! Thank you.
A: The State Legislature approved $30 million in the last biennium to begin construction of the high school in Kihei and the project is moving ahead, according to State Department of Education (DOE) officials. The DOE says they awarded a first-phase infrastructure contract last month to Alpha Inc., a local company here on Maui. After Alpha gets all the necessary permits, they will start building an access road and drilling wells needed for the high school. This contract for the infrastructure will cost around $400,000 and the State will allot the remaining money for site and infrastructure work on the project as it is awarded. Future construction and completion will depend on availability of funding. The total estimated cost for the school is $130 million and the DOE says they expect the school construction to be finished around 30 months after full funding of the project.
Aloha Mayor,
Q: Several weeks ago I read in the Maui News that the County had asked for bids for the refurbishment/resurfacing of Pu’ukolii Road. I understand that the bids have been submitted. So my question is, when do you expect the work to begin on this project? All of us on the Ka’anapali Hillside are anxiously awaiting the news. In advance, thank you for finally tackling this road improvement.
A: According to our Public Works department, the project bid opening was on October 1st of this year, and the low bidder was Maui Kupono Builders. The contract is being processed, and the department hopes to complete the resurfacing by next summer.
Mayor Arakawa:
Q: When is Moreira “Mo” Monsalve’s family going to get their questions answered?
A: The Maui Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID) has been and will continue to pursue all leads into the Missing Person’s Case of Moreira “Mo” Monsalve. CID is still in contact with a family member for any questions. Our prayers are with the family as the search for her continues.
Want to Ask the Mayor?
Submit your questions about County of Maui programs, services, operations or policies to Mayor Alan Arakawa via email: [email protected], phone: 270-7855 or mail: 200 S. High Street, 9th Floor, Wailuku, Hawaii 96793. Questions submitted will be considered for inclusion in the Ask the Mayor column.